Tinseltown Trail: City of Angels and Elves

Created by Michael Anderle

An Urban Fantasy Novel Series

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Buffy Saved My Life - Part 1
9 months ago – Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 07:11:46 AM

I posted this in the Mundane Magic Kickstarter, but thought I'd share it here, too. 

Buffy saved my life. Twice.

I mean this as literally as one can when talking about a fictional character. The first time was when I was twenty-three and had just moved to Japan to teach English. It was my post Uni adventure.

But adventure is really hard when the only Japanese words I knew were: ‘Where is the bathroom?’ and ‘My name is Ramy.’

There are only so many times you can tell someone your name before they think your weird. And as for the bathroom, I’m pretty sure the whole town thought I had IBS.

Weeks turned into months, and I experienced a loneliness so deep that there were times I thought I would literally turn into a wisp of smoke to be carried away by the wind.

I might have, too, had it not been for Buffy.

For some reason, local television played an episode of Buffy every Wednesday at 7:30pm. It was the only English I ever heard and it became the one hour a week (well 40 minutes) where I could escape into a world that made sense (even when Darla was doing her thing).

I built my week around that episode of Buffy, telling myself, “Only two more days until Buffy. Only one more day until Buffy…”

In between Buffy time, I would study Japanese comforted that I would get that brief reprieve. It gave me the strength to keep moving.

Eventually my Japanese got better. Good enough that I actually started making friends, even went on a date or two. And by the time I had completed my first year in Japan, I knew enough of the language and culture that I signed on for two more years.

Had it not been for Buffy, I would have quit after six months of being in Japan. Quit and missed out on some of the best times of my life.

That was the first time she saved me. But given this post is running a bit long, I'll share the second time in the next post...

Until then ... if you know anyone else needing saving, albeit from loneliness, a boring job, the insanity of day-to-day life, send them Mable's way. This LA Elf might not be Buffy, but she kicks just as much ass!


Mundane Magic Got the 'Projects We Love' Badge :)
10 months ago – Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 08:11:14 AM

Hi there! First of all, thank you to all the people who have sent in pictures and comments about Tinseltown Trail! We're so thrilled that you're enjoying the book. 

Mundane Magic is well on it's way and we just got the 'Projects we Love' badge from Kickstarter! That's huge! I did an update on that on the Mundane Magic Project. Click Here to Read It! It's the July 18th update! The TL:DR version is this: That badge is the equivalent of a Kickstarter Oscar - making Mable's dreams come true!

Thank you again! The badge is a result of many of you backing us again and we can't thank you enough!

There's still time to back us - CLICK HERE

And if you know anyone who might be interested in Mundane Magic, please share us far and wide. Here's the link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/laelf/mundane-magic-city-of-angels-and-elves?ref=ywadbm

Thank you again... the next stop - the Silver Screen (or should I say: the Beige Page)!

10 months ago – Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 10:29:01 AM

We're live people!

I can barely contain my excitement!!! - RAMY

God, help me... - MICHAEL


We're inching close the 13th - 1pm EST
10 months ago – Sun, Jul 09, 2023 at 09:53:57 AM

Mundane Magic will be out on the 13th,  at 1pm EST, but I suspect most of you know that already... 

That said, the indie community on Kickstarter is growing slowly but surely. We love supporting Indies, and I thought I'd highlight a project that is particularly awesome:



Be sure to check out the quick backer bonus! 

Anywhooo... as we inch closer to the 13th, anything you're expecting to see in this Kickstarter? Who knows, we might be able to accommodate you... ;) 

Good Samaritans do exist!
10 months ago – Sun, Jul 02, 2023 at 12:25:30 AM

So the books for the United Kingdom shipment haven't arrived. We pinged the shipping company and all we get is - it's on its way... it's on its way...

They promise June 22nd, June 25th, June 30th ... nothing.

Then on July 1st I get a knock on my door. 

"Excuse me, but are you Ramy Vance?" a strange man with a dog asks.

"I am," I say wondering if this is my first stalker. I'm excited. Having a stalker is what all the big names have... 

"Ähh, I found your books abandoned on the side of the road."

"What books?"

"Mundane Magic. A box full..."

"What? Where?"

He tells me and its far from my house. I mean - really far. What's more, he walked over here, with his dog to tell me. He would have carried them over, but didn't because a box full of books are heavy. 

So we jumped in my car and drove over to where he lives... to where my box of books were abandoned outside his house. It was about a ten minute drive. 

Anyhooo... I have them now and will be repackaging and shipping them out to the United Kingdom backers on Monday. I'm so sorry for the delay and still have ZERO idea what happened. 

PS - I gave him one of the hardbacks and will be reaching out to one of you beautiful UK backers with an apology and a new copy soon! We'll be ordering it directly to you, so it won't be a big delay at all!

PP super S - In case you missed it, Mundane Magic is in pre-launch phase and will be going live on July 13th! 

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